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Digby County: A Journey Through Time
Admiral Digby Museum
Digby , Nouvelle-Écosse


   As a proud four-hundred-
year-old community, oral
history has always been a
critical part of the culture
of Digby and Digby County.
Today, the core of the
region’s collective memory is
based on written interviews
conducted with the
community’s elders, whose

recollections have been
safeguarded for future
generations. Although customs
and attitudes have changed
over the centuries, the
community maintains this
strong link to the past as a
means of honouring its
ancestors’ values and ethics.
   The interviews describe

how families have evolved
since the pioneer days; how
churches have always played
an important part in our
social interaction; and how
groups such as the Lions
Club, Knights of Columbus and
Eastern Star are helping meet
the needs of our citizens

   Several interviews touch
on the fact recreation and
entertainment have always
been strong threads woven
through the Digby tapestry.
Well before the days of film,
television, and video games,
for example, live music, the
interviews remind us, was a
vital part of the local

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